27 APRIL 1912, Page 33


[TO THE EDITOR Or THE "ant-mm."] Stu,—This phrase, familiar to Italians as meaning " conservare nella mente," or " aver° dentro di se," and, particularly in Vatican parlance, applied to this or that Cardinal whose pro- motion is not yet proclaimed but reserved in pectore (petto) by the Holy Father, is constantly misused in Anglo-American journals in the sense of "on a reduced scale," or "in minia- ture," as if akin to " petty." For instance, I read in a Reuter telegram from Berlin, communicated to the British

1 to the Secretary, Herr Pfarrer Wilhelm Schneemelcher, Press : "The question of the Ulster minority, which presents its. Rummelsburg bei Berlin, who will forward them invitations.— petto the same characteristics as the Home Rule question

I am, Sir, &c., T. C. HOESFALL. itself," &c. Is this another of the many linguistic Ulises we

owe to tbe "Modern Side" in schools, or to-the." soft-option degree in Arts, with their exclusion of Latin P—I am, Sir,.
