27 APRIL 1912, Page 33


We have received the following sums for this Fund :- William M. Roscoe, 21 1 0 Dr. and Mrs. Shaw, 21 0 0. Amount previously acknowledged, 2434 9 0.

Will those of our readers who are willing to subscribe to. this Fund kindly make cheques payable to the Spectator and cross them "Barclay and Co., Gosling's Branch "? Envelopes. should be addressed to the Editor of the Spectator, 1 Welling- ton Street, Strand, London, W.C., and should bear on their the words" National Reserve." Contributions can, of course,. be made direct to Barclay and Co., Gosling's Branch,. 19 Fleet Street, who will place such sums to the Spectator National Reserve account. The receipt of all sums sent will. be acknowledged in the Spectator.