27 DECEMBER 1913, Page 1

• A curious and instructive example of the more arrogant

pretensions among German Army officers is to be seen in a letter from Herr von Jagow, the Police President, which was published in the Kreuz Zeitung on Monday. Herr von Jagow says that Lieutenant von Foerstner, who was sentenced to forty-three days' imprisonment for wounding a crippled Alsatian cobbler, was convicted illegally. If there were a law under which Lieutenant von Foerstner could have been properly convicted, it ought to be instantly repealed. Herr von Jagow describes Alsace as virtually " an enemy's country,"

and says that if officers may not protect themselves there it is a scandal, and that a protective law would be an urgent political necessity. If Herr von Jagow is not admonished by his official superiors for this highly insubordinate and offensive speech, we shall know what to think of the sincerity of the Government in their attitude towards the recent protest of the Reichstag as to military arrogance.