27 DECEMBER 1913, page 21

George Borrow And His Circle.*

MR. CLEMENT SHORTER'S book is entertaining, and in spite of carrying a load of unpublished letters there is movement and life in it. The most illuminating criticism (it is a......

Lost Diaries.*

FOR the idle hours of literary readers, or those who wish to be thought literary, the winter publishing season has given us nothing better than Mr. Maurice Baring's new volume......

The India Of To-morrow.f

As an academical essay on the probable future of Indian nationalism, Mr. Bevan's book deserves all the admiration due to scholarly precision and lucidity of style, and to argu-......

England And The States.*

ON Christmas Eve, 1914, a hundred years will have elapsed since the signature of the Treaty of Ghent, which put an end to the last war between England and the United States, and......