27 DECEMBER 1930, Page 25

Mr. Cecil Jane, who recently published in the " Argonaut

" series a translation of the narratives of Columbus's voyages, has now begun for the Hakluyt Society a new edition of Major's Select Documents Illustrating the Four Voyages of Columbus. The first volume (Quaritch, 31s. 6d.) contains the Spanish text, faced by Mr. Jane's translation, of Columbus's letter on his first voyage and the accounts of the second voyage by his physician, Dr. Chanea, by himself in a memorandum taken to Spain by De Torres, and by Bernaldez, the historian. So much has been learned since Major's time (1849-70) that this is virtually a new book. Mr. Jane has prefixed a long and important essay on the discoverer's ideas and plans. He emphasizes anew his contention that Columbus was essentially a mystic, who believed himself to have a Divine mission not merely to find a New World across the Atlantic but also to convert its inhabitants to Christianity, while incidentally winning power and wealth for himself.