27 DECEMBER 1930, page 23

St. Bruno's Sons

The Carthusian Order in England. By E. Margaret Thompson. Published for the Church Historical Society (S.P.C.K., The Carthusian Order in England. By E. Margaret Thompson.......

"when Icicles Hang By The Wall"

A Winter Miscellany. Edited and compiled by Humbert Wolfe. (Eyre & Spottiewoode. Ss. fid.) LIKE the majority of anthologists, Mr. Wolfe begins with an apology. Yet what does he......

Pirate Or Paladin ?

The Jameson Raid. By Hugh Marshall Hole. (Allan. 15s.) " THE true story (says Mr. Hole's publisher) of that astonishing adventure." That Jameson's Raid on the Transvaal was......