27 FEBRUARY 1982, Page 18

Many a slip . . .

Sir: Does Richard West suffer from dyslexia, myopia or some less sympathetic form of slurred vision? In praising Australian films (6 February) he refers to Breaker Morant as Breaker Morand and The Odd Angry Shot as The Angry Odd Shot. Simple enough, but readers excited by the piece and eager to see The Game or Annie should be advised to look for these films under their actual titles of The Club and Caddie respectively.

Incidentally, lest the 'Wellington Boot' business is conjuring visions of an Aussie interest in pedal intercourse, the expression is best explained as a secondary euphemism akin to Cockney rhyming slang, thus, Well- ington Boot — root. 'Having/giving a root' is one of those expressions women and vicars are not afraid to use in front of Australian men.

Wark R. Spratt

2 Dartmouth Road, London NW2