27 FEBRUARY 1982, page 18

Coarse And Irrational

Sir: One does not expect to find rampant racism in a paper like the Spectator, but it is all there in the review of Todd's book on Luther, by A. L. Rowse (13 February). His......

Many A Slip . . .

Sir: Does Richard West suffer from dyslexia, myopia or some less sympathetic form of slurred vision? In praising Australian films (6 February) he refers to Breaker Morant as......

The Price Of Slavery

Sir: I am grateful to Mr Peter Levi for his offer of a position as a slave in his household (Letters, 6 February) — surely preferable to starvation, probably preferable to......

War Poetry

Sir: Unfortunately, my surface-mail copy (28 November 1981) has reached me only now, but I should be grateful if you would allow me to comment on P. J. Kavanagh's excellent......

Defective Vision?

Sir: The eminent Taticanologisr , Mr Peter Hebblethwaite, reviewing George Bull's In- side the Vatican (16 January), begins by describing its 'spendid cover', noticing a......

John Drinkwater

Sir: The centenary of the birth of John Drinkwater, poet, dramatist and actor, occurs on 1 June this year. He was, of course, Barry Jackson's right-hand man at the opening of......

Restricted Service

Sir: In his letter to you (13 February) Mr Evans of British Airways defends the record of his cabin crews. But Richard West (23 January) was criticising the total service......