27 JANUARY 1917, Page 15

"IS " OR " ARE "?

IT* THE EDITOR or THE " EirrenTos."3 Sra,—In the -parable of "The Beleaguered City" (Spectator, January 13th) " Isnot-as " writes : " All this barley and sugar is going to be turned into Beer." Now, I should have written are. Which is correct? My practice is in accordance with the elementary principles of Lindley Murray. 'That of " Ignotus " is a growing one among modern journalists and novelists, classes whose English is not, however, always that of Goldsmith or

Addison.—I am, Sir, &c., J. H. L. [We agree with "Ignotus," bat we admit that we do so rather on grounds of euphony and colloquial usage than of strict logic or grammar.—ED. Spectator.1