27 JANUARY 1917, page 2

The Army's Call For Men Has Lien Accentuated This Week

in two ways. The Local Government Board has informed the Tribunals that Men under thirty-ono who are fit for general service or for garrison duty abroad should not be exempted,......

Farmers Who Are Plagued Just Now By Wood-pigeons Have Been

told by a very ill-advised correspondent of the Times to shoot the birds when they are sitting on their nests in the spring. Mr. E. Kay Robinson points out that the real......

The New Zealand Parliament Adopted Conscription For...

July by overwhelming majorities, and the Act is sow being enforced. A correspondent of the Times, writing from Wellington on December 7th, says that the experiment promises......

We Hate To Break In Upon This Noble Dream, But

we are obliged to point out that the President is =rah too optimistic in thinking that it is always taken for granted that there is to ao a definite .Qoncert of the Powers, or......

The Duke Of Devonshire Made His First Formal Appearance As

Governor-General of Canada at Ottawa on Saturday last, when he opened the new Session of Parliament. It was a high privilege, , the Duke said, to be identified with Canada at a.......

Mr. A. D. Hall, The Well-known Agricultural Expert,...

a vigorous. letter to the Times for the prohibition of the sale oLspirita during the war. Though he is opposed to compulsory temperance, in time of peace, he declares that it is......

.• On Monday President Wilson Astonished America And The...

by - addressing the Senate of the U n ited States, as the. Council associated with bins in matters of international paiioy, on the war and prospects of . peace. Not unnaturally......

The Labour Party Met In Conference At Manchester On Tuesday

and by a majority of six to one approved of the Executive's notion in helping Mr. Lloyd - Gearge to form his Cabinet. Mr. George Wardle, in a very able presidential address,......

Mr. Hodge, The Minister–for Labour, Made A Rather...

at Rotherham last Sunday. After saying that . he. tied. mapped out - a scheme for creating more than double the preeenta number of Labour Exchanges, he went on to reflect on the......

London, And Indeed The Whole Country, Has Been Saddened And

*hooked by the explosion of Friday week, tlionghlortunately the loss of life has proved far less than was feared, and we have official assurance that it will make practically no......

The Lois Of Life In The Factory Was Comparatively Small,

but many were killed and grievously injured in the houses demolished by the explosion, or by the huge masses of masonry, iron girders, and boilers which were hurled for many......