27 JULY 1951, Page 31

THE 44 SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD No. 636 [A Book Token

for one guinea will be "warded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, August 7th, addressed Crossword, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on thi form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]


1. He is frequently jolly in song. (10.) 9. Keats Thought his died of grieving. (4.)

JO. Whence Dorothy eloped. (6, 4.)

11. Alice found some difficulty in using a flamingo as one. (67) 13. In France it would produce thanks. (5.).

14. "The - time is quiet as a nun" (Wordsworth). (4.) 16. Kipling's Roman marching song. (6.) 19. Don't serving soldiers have better halves, then? (7, 8.) 20. A book with plenty of go in it. (6.) 23. Found in the stock of an itinerant basket-maker. (4.) 24. Children's edition? (5.) 25. "Some asked how - did grow, and where " (Herrick). (6.) 27. Honour the author of "The Bridge of Sighs." (10.) 28. Isn't the sweet ever sweet? (4)

29. Nobody minds getting into this hole. (10.)


2. Where nothing is prohibited: (4.)

3. He married Lady Jane Grey. (6.) 4. Happily victorious mother of Timothy. (6.) 5. It must be settled no doubt, in choos- ing a captain. (7, 8.) 6. Here the thermometer seems always to be rising. (6.) 7. A shifty yet honest lot of workmen. (10.) 8. " With what sweep at - the ray- less waters run " (Flecker). (11.) 12. Pitches on my revised version. (11.) 15. Too great a love of cricket? (10.) 17. Fight of four on the railway. (4.) 18. In this is the place. (4.) 21. Half-sister to relations, (6.) 22. Cardinal head-dress. (3, 3.) .23. He should master the upshot. (6.) 26. Footwear for luggage. (4.)