27 JULY 1951, page 16

The Tshekedi Case

SIR. —The su gg estion that both Tshekedi and Seretse should return to the Baman g wato country appears a dan g erous remedy, in view of the excited ' state of the country. At a......

A Peace Pact

SIR,—Most people can sympathise with Mr. Richard Freeman's feelin g of resentment and frustration at rearmament in the present extended state of our economy. But by now nobody......

Rowing And Rugger

SIR, —Your correspondent, Mr. H. W. Pearson, makes one or two some- what surprisin g .statements. He doubts, for instanc , .., "whether the' crowds of university m e n at Putney......

Letters To The Editor

Making Ends Meet gia,—Havin g for ten years kept analysed accounts of all my expenditure, even to the point of recordin g q uantities of solid fuel and the consump- tion of g as......

Sir.—your Articles On "makin G Ends Meet Are Valuable And...

but I am surprised that none of your contributors has drawn attention to the fact that the increased cost of livin g - , which is of course adversely affecting every citizen, is......