27 JUNE 1835, Page 2

Tile state trials in Paris are proceeding slowly, and excite

but little attention. Indeed, this week, they are scarcely noticed in the meagre correspondence of the daily papers.

C President of the Council ; and Minister of Foreign Affair;; AI. Alasanzyear.... . Minister of Finance; :Marquis DE LAS A M.1n11.1.As Minister of War ; 3f. Gyitera Hi:maws Minister of Justice: AI. A lovainz (1 r tam.. Minister of the Interior;

General ALAVA 'Minster of Ilarine.

The Carlists are besieging Bilboa ; which VALDEZ seems unable to relieve. ZUMALACARREGUA: has been wounded in the thigh, but not mortally, as was reported in the beginning of the week : it is, however, doubtful whether he will not be compelled to undergo amputation of the limb.

It is stated in the Paris correspondence of the Times, that the exiled Bourbons, with the aid of the Wily Alliance, are meditat- ing a junction with Don CARLOS in Bilboa, in defiance of the British cruisers. The writer says- " At first it was scarcely credible, but now it is past all doubt, that the infa- tuated exiles at Prague have it seliously in agitation to throw themselves into the breach established by Zumalararreguy, through which they fondly hope, by forcing an inroad on: the French tcrritorv, to realize all their day-dreams of a third restoration. it is no secret that the French Covet-meld have regular agents at Prague for the purpose of observing the proceedings of the exiles and their adherents, and repot ting, their movements in Paris. tine of these agents arrived here yesterday, having thought it necessary to communicate the result of his recent observations in person. this monstrously absurd report is, that the Duke d'Angoulktie, accompanied by the ex Dauphiness and the Dutchess de Berri, is really about to place himself at the head of an expedition preparing in Holland, which is destined to net as an auxiliary to the insurgent army of the Spanish Pretender. It is further stated, that the present attack on Itilboa forms a part of this combined movement, the possession of a seaport being indispensa- ble to the arrival of these welcome supplies. The stock-purse of the Holy Alli- ance having been placed at the disposal of his Dutch Majesty, lie has under. taken to furnish 6,000 men, and to contribute (3,000,000f. to the military chest of the pretender."

All this seems sufficiently improbable; but it is difficult to overrate the extent of Bourbon infatuation, and it therefore nay be true.

The new Spanish Ministry has been formed; and it consists of the following persons.

Count Tonexo