27 JUNE 1840, Page 11


The old Earl of Ducie, father of the Member fur East Gloucester- shire and the Countess of Denbigh, died on Monday. He succeeded his father, the thisi 1 tsran, on the 20th August isms. The family

is of Indian extractitm. Robert Ducie, banker and Lord Mayor of London in I Gal, was the first of the family of any distinction in this country. lie was banker to Charles the First ; by whom he lost during the Civil Wars Sesame, yet at hi:- (tomb had mall-zed the enormous sum, in those days, of 400,11oe/.

Princess ',keen, the lady of the late Prince ',levels, for many years Ambassador front Russia to the British Court, arrived in Dover Street, on 'Wednesday night, from Paris ; in which cepied the Princess has re- sided since her departure from this country.

Sir Jahleeh Brenton, Bait., K.C.B., Rear-Admiral of the Red, is about to resign his situation as Lieutenant-Governor of Greenwich 110S-

Oat, and retire on the half-pay of a Vice-Admiral. He will be suc- ceeded by Sir James Alexander Gordon, K.C.B., Rear-Admiral of the Blue. The arrangements are all completed, and the change may be expected to take place in a few days. Sir James Alexander Gordon re- ceived a medal, and is one of the six flag-officers of the rank of Ad- mina( who have a good service pension. He has also a pension for wounds received in the service.--Horning Chronicle.

Tuesday's Gazette announces that Sir -Frederick Adam, Sir Benja- min D'Urban, and Sir Andrew Francis Barnard, Knights Commanders, have been appointed Knights Grand Cross of the Bath.

Letters from Madrid state that Sir Dc Lacy Evans had left that capital for London ; and that he had forwarded the sun of 50,000/., being the first instalmeht of the amount due to the Brhidi Legion.

The honourable and Reverend W. Herbert, we understand, is likely to be named for Warden of Manellester.—Gtobe.