27 JUNE 1840, page 12

The Ship Charles Grant, One Manfred And Ten Day , From

China, reached Plymouth on Moeday ; but the overland mail anticipated the accounts she brings of proceedings at Canton.......


L SATURDAY. Lord STANLEY is carrying' his Irish - Registration Bill through the Committee of the House of Commons, in the thee of the most deter- mined and keen opposition from......

We Learn Front The Cuidna Timis Of May 22d, Which

has just come to hand, that the " getolemen of the colony, both planters and others," had agreed to tax themselves to the extent of 2 per cent. on their in- comes to raise an......

East India Shipping.

-rebut—At (lravera.litl, .lit,'' 2211, Ilmoinvis, \Yeller, from New South \l'ales; 241h, ('hurl,':. (hunt. ri.”111 Courol, , aniphell, from Singapore; and Lord Ly ell, si,o1,......

Tile Army.

wsnowrwo, .tone. Begt. of Drag. Guards—Lieut. J. II. Gray, from the 15t1c Light Drags. to ke bleat. Viet. KelM11, W110 exchanges. 7th brag. Guards—Ident.W. S. Greene, from......


The old Earl of Ducie, father of the Member fur East Gloucester- shire and the Countess of Denbigh, died on Monday. He succeeded his father, the thisi 1 tsran, on the 20th......

Mr. Wilson, The Voealist, Arrived In The British Queen Front

New York, after a career of at terrupted professional success in the United States and the Canadas. Wilson returns in must vigorous health and excellent voice. By the Governor......

ASSETS. Circulation C II.871,B00 Securities £22,402,000 Deposits 7,122,o00 Bullion 4,434,000 X22,993,1100 £26,836,000 The Paris papers received this morning are bare of news.......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Arrsaacsal: There has been to. considerable pressure for money during the week, and a consequent depression of the prices of the Government Securities;......