27 MARCH 1915, Page 24


[Notice in this column dose not necessarily preclude subsequent review.]

We are glad to be able to remind our readers of America- Latina, of which we have now received the second issue. This paper, we may once more explain, has been founded with the admirable object of putting the case for the Allies fairly before the enormous Spanish-speaking public of Europe and America, who have hitherto been at the mercy of German propaganda. The energy with which the paper is being conducted may be gathered from a list of some of the contents of the number before us. Among them are contribution, from Cardinal Bourne, Lord Bryce, and M. Vandervelde, and interviews with the Chairman of the British Red Cross Society and with the Malik of Shapur—the latter discussing the patriotic attitude of the Princes and peoples of India. Lastly, we may mention a reproduction of one of the recent Punch cartoons, and a translation into Spanish of some extracts from the French Yellow Book. Altogether, the paper seems most excellently suited for• its end, and makes us feel more than ever grateful to Mr. Benjamin Barrios, to whom its conception and publica- tion are due. We may add that the address of the paper's offices is 54 Gresham Street, London, E.C.