27 MARCH 1915, page 11

Letters To The Editor.

THE RACING PROBLEM. [Tor am Elmo. or Tor .13roorArox..] SIR,—The Jockey Club has declined to stop race meetings even for the present year. The Club has, I am convinced,......

Prohibition During The War.

[To an EDITOR or an "Brrooros."1 EIR,—I have read the Spectator for many years, always with enjoyment, often with sincere gratitude for its able setting forth of high ideals.......

Liv E Were In The Wotivre, In The Heart Of A

forest. The enemy bad decided to make a bold dash for our mitraillenses, which had made such havoc in theirranks daring their attacks on our trenches. At eleven o'clock—the......

"waiting For A. Lead."

[To roe Barron or Tor IIIPACTRTOR."1 Sts, Will you permit a minister of religion, whose duties lie in a provincial town and a few neighbouring villages, to tell you from the......

[to Ass Editor Or An . .iiiproirtor*1 Sle:i Share Your...

as to the action of the Jockey Chas. I have no great interest in racing, but I have for many ran had a little " flatter " by investing in a large sweepstakes on the "Derby." I......