27 MARCH 1971, Page 29

The Gospels' and the Professor

Sir: Since the end of the postal strike I have been deluged by a spate of SPECTATORS—too many to cope with. The only article I have read so far is one to which you drew attention with one of your more distasteful cartoons—Profes- sor Trevor-Roper on Dr Dodd's The Founder of Christianity. / noted also that in the following week some of Professor Trevor- Roper's wilder inaccuracies had been exposed in your correspon- dence columns. One can only suppose that however learned he is in other fields, the Professor has a blind spot as regards the Gospels and their history and is as prej- udiced on this subject as lesser mortals are on other points. Is it too late to ask, why choose a man like that to review a book like that? Surely it cannot be your policy to promote in the SPECTATOR a sort of intellectual or pseudo- intellectual sensationalism, com- parable to but really more vulgar than, the unintellectual variety in the Daily Mirror?

Guy Bowden Lucashinds, Highbrook, Ardingly, Haywards Heath, Sussex