27 MARCH 1971, page 29

Sir: Spectator (notebook'. 6 March) Berates The New Ip As

an irritating and useless little tiddler. There speaks the man! I trust that he will not seek to propagate this view in high places. Irritating the coin may be, but useless—no.......

No Twopenny- Halfpenny Matter

Sir: The arrogantly unhelpful at- titude of the banks and retail trad- ers in asserting that the sixpence will rapidly disappear as there is `no place for it in a decimal......

Sir: It Is One Thing To Pour Scorn On The

Gospels and be negative only in criticism, but how does Pro- fessor Trevor-Roper account for the Gospels as they are? Whom does he think Paul saw and heard on the Damascus road?......

Casey On Orwell

Sir: In his review of Orwell by Raymond Williams, John Casey seems to have failed to grasp the most fundamental points of Or- well's work. Ranking him as less than a second-rate......

Sir: May 1 Sum Up? It Appears That Professor Trevor-roper

has abolished Christ and all that pal- pable rubbish as 'rationally' and as effectively as the scientists of the French revolution abolished God and all that superstition. What......

The Gospels' And The Professor

Sir: Since the end of the postal strike I have been deluged by a spate of SPECTATORS—too many to cope with. The only article I have read so far is one to which you drew......


Sir: In face of so much adverse criticism, now added to by Miss Storm Jameson (20 March), of Dame Ivy Compton-Burnett's Dolores, I feel compelled to defend this very witty......

Conservative Pacifism

Sir: I have been greatly intrigued by the advertisement on the last Page of your issue of 23 January (just received). Sixteen years ago I gave much thought and study to such a......

Strikfeldt Smear

Sir: 1 have no time for Edgar Young's rather silly defence of the Russian invasion of Czecho- slovakia, and his viewpoint is way out of step with the attitude of the democratic......