27 MARCH 1982, Page 15

Who was Mr Carter?

Sir: Arthur Marshall's delightful review (13 February) of Home James: The Chauffeur in the Golden Age of Motoring gives us a reminder — evidently dear to his father of the French origins of chauffeur, chassis and hangar. A question, however, has been nagging me for some time. What about the French word carter which is used to describe both the engine block of a car and the chain cover on a bicycle? The word is apparently derived from an English inven- tor, J. Carter, about whom I am quite unable to find any reliable information. it would seem that just as we were all beginn- ing to use French words, a solitary Englishman was being immortalised in the French language for his contribution to motorcar technology. Isn't it about time this 'prophet' began to receive a modicum of honour in his own country?

Timothy Stunt

Aiglon College, Chesieres, Switzerland