27 MAY 1882, Page 3

The St. Gothard Tunnel was opened for traffic on Wednesday,

May 24th, a heavy train, conveying forty-three members of different Embassies and some five hundred visitors, of every nationality except the French, running from Lucerne to Milan, in twelve hours, of which at least three were spent en route in feastings and ceremonials. The actual passage through the great tunnel occupied only twenty-five minutes. The tunnel binds Switzerland and Italy very closely together, -and will, it is believed, greatly increase German influence in the peninsula, as it will now be possible to go from Milan to Frankfort without changing carriages. That, at least, is the French speculation. We should ourselves say that the tunnel would be a great convenience to traders, a great nuisance to travellers who enjoy scenery, and of no particular political importance. Italy does not love France one iota more because of the Mont Cenis 'Tunnel, nor are France and Germany sworn friends because you can travel at forty miles an hour from Paris to Metz without -changing carriages. Propinquity creates hatred quite as much as friendship, and Ireland might love us, if it were in the Pacific.