27 MAY 1882, page 3

Michael Davitt On Saturday Made A Speech In Manchester...

by much ability and total irreconcilability. He denied that landlordism was essential to British supremacy in Ireland, the fact being that it was the weakest point of British......

Yesterday Week The Resolution In Favour Of Opening The...

Museums and other such places of quiet recreation on Sundays was discussed in the House of Commons, and rejected by 208 against 83 (majority, 125). Mr. Broadhurst opposed the......

Lord Carnarvon, In A Speech At Hanley, After Strongly Cen-

suring the conduct of the Ministry in Ireland—they were always, he said, too late—affirmed that "great and honoured names were withdrawing from their allegiance to Mr.......

Mr. Childers Has Made An Excellent Selection For The Office

of Inspector-General of Fortifications, in the person of Sir Andrew Clarke, an officer who, in various and distinguished employment, has always risen to the level of his task,......

Consols Were On Friday 102,; To 1021.


The Government Of Russia Is Taking Serious Steps To Prevent

the further persecution of the Jews. It has issued peremptory orders to all Governors to use military force both in preventing and punishing outrages, and has issued them in......

The French Ministry Has Been Very Near A Great Defeat.

A great many Members dislike M. Leon Say as Finance Minister, because he rigorously checks all projects of expenditure, and is .opposed both to the purchase of the railways, and......

The Trish In America Are Making Very Determined Efforts To

remove Mr. Lowell, the - United States Minister in London. A petition, signed by 100,000 Irishmen, has gone up to the Presi- dent, and it is believed that the whole vote of the......

The St. Gothard Tunnel Was Opened For Traffic On Wednesday,

May 24th, a heavy train, conveying forty-three members of different Embassies and some five hundred visitors, of every nationality except the French, running from Lucerne to......