27 NOVEMBER 1915, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—May I mention, for the benefit of those of your readers who did not see the recent notice in the Times, the collection of reproductions of Frederick Walker's works which has been presented to the British Museum by Mr. E. E. Leggett P The collection is the result of a labour of love on Mr. Leggett's part extending over a period of more than forty years, and is one which cannot fail to be appreciated by all lovers of art. I enclose an extract from a letter which has been issued by Mr. Campbell Dodgson, of the Department of Prints and Drawings of the British Musenm, to art schools in England, which indicates the nature of the collection.—I am, Sir, &c., R. M. WELSFORD.

5 Strathray Gardens, Hampstead, N.W.

" May I ask you kindly to draw the attention of art students to a collection, recently added to the Print Room, which is likely to be of peceliar intereseand benefit to those of them especially who are engaged in composition and illustration P I refer to the unique and almost complete collection of reproductions of the work of Frederick Walker, A.R.A., which has been formed by Mr. Ernest Leggett, and recently presented by him to the Trustees of the British Museum, with a special view to aiding art students by making it readily accessible, Besides a complete series of Walker's woodcut illustrations and reproductions of a very large proportion of his pictures and water-colours chronologically arranged, the donor of the collection has included in it photo- graphs of a great number of those preparatory studies which throw so interesting a light on the genesis and gradual perfecting of the finished work. These groups of studies, leading up to the form which the artist finally adopted for his subject, cannot fail to be interesting and instructive to those engaged in similar pursuits. The Walker Collection is now available for study, subject to the regulations made by the Trustees for access to the Print Room."