27 SEPTEMBER 1919, Page 13


[To THE EDITO% OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The question asked by " A." has probably bee-i answered before this. If not, perhaps the following from Leitch Ritchie—Turner's Annual Tour—may be of use. Speaking of the procession of the saw at Harfleur, he mentions

parallel festival at Dijon. " The banner of this pro- cession represented not a saw, but a fool's bauble, with the capital legend :—

' Le monde est plein de fors, et qui n'en vent point voir. Doit se tenir tout seul, et casser son miroir.' "

Ritchie gives as a reference, " Dutilliat, Memoires pour Servir

a In Fete des Fous."—I am, Sir, &c., - MARTIN SNAPS. Spring Garden Cottage, Gosport.