27 SEPTEMBER 1919, page 1

News Of The Week.

PTIHE pious belief that nationalization or State control is a cure for industrial unrest has been rudely shaken. On 1_ Tuesday morning Sir Eric Geddes, as Minister of Transport,......

As We Write On Thursday It Is Known That Mr.

Thomas has met the new Minister in conference, and there is reason for hoping that the railwaymen's threat to strike at noon on Friday will be withdrawn. The Union is said to......

A Great Strike Began On Monday Morning In The American

steel industry. The Steelworkers' Union asked the Steel Corporation to recognize the Union and to grant an eight-hours day with higher wages and other concessions. When the......

The Fine Spirit Of Good-fellowship That Prevails In The...

Navy was illustrated on Monday at Portsmouth, where the men of the Lower Deck entertained Sir David Beatty and the senior officers of the Grand Fleet to dinner in the Town Hall.......

Mr. Forrest, A Coalition Liberal Candidate, Retained The...

Pontefract in the by-election occasioned by the death of Sir J. Compton-Rickett. He was opposed in this mining constitu- ency by a miner, Mr. Burns, a Labour candidate of......

I' S * The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...

letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his best to return contributions in case of rejection.......

The Ironfounders' Society And Two Kindred Unions, Whose...

the mouldings and castings for the steel trades, declared a strike last Saturday. Fifty thousand men are directly affected, and the trades dependent on them are seriously......