28 DECEMBER 1850, Page 4


The new mayoralty of Dublin will be most splendidly inaugurated by 'Air. Guinness, on the 21st of January, with a banquet, at which the Lord-Lieutenant has consented to lend the honour of his presence.

The office conferred on Mr. Woulfe Flanagan, last week stated on the authority of the 2'imes .to be. an additional Commiseionership in the En- cumbered Estates Court, was that of Master, not of Assistant Commis- sioner. Baron Richards has, since the creation of the new office, ex-

plained what will be its duties— . . " It would be the duty of that officer to give directions for survey and valu- ation, and also to give directions for the lodgment of deeds and for the pro- szin

duetion of teams, and for the g of copies of leases; also, to give re-

quisitions for obtaining deeds in the Court of Chancery.; also, to give

directions for the delivery of d s to solicitors, purchasers, or other parties; also, to give directiona for :obtaining renewals of leases and fee-farm greets ; -also to give directioni for and to settle preliminary advertisements for sales; also, to hear objections of tenants and parties coming in under the 13th general rule, unite report thereon; also, to settle postings and rentals, and le see that'allthe preliminaryleequisites made have been oomplied with,; 'to divide the estate into convenient lots, and, when required by the Commissioners, to attend at the auction and assist at the sale; to give requisitions for the tax- ation of costs in Chancery ; to examine into all matters specially referred to -him by any of theCommissioners, and to report thereon."

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The Dublin Psnemaresiourna/ states that a circular has:been addressed to Members of the ,Pnere.ef Commons connected with Ireland, suggest- ing the propriety of formally declaring an intention " to oppose by every constitutional meanp say measure tending to interfere by legislative en- actment with-the, discipline or, doctrine cf any portion of the Queen's sub- jects." The sponscirs to the inanifestoare Mr. M'Cullagh, the Protestant M.P. for Dundalk, Mr. Devereux and Mr. 0',Flaherty, the Catholic Mem, hers for Wexford and Galway. , The Dublin Evening Post has the following in reference to the Queen's College in Galway, the centre of the Ultramontane opposition to mixed education-

" We are glad to find that the prospects of this institution are far more cheering than its most sanguine friends could have 'expected. The College has been open little more than,a year, and nearly a hundred students have already matriculated. ,M the entrance examinations of the present year, twenty-five students Were admitted; of these about one-half are Catholics. The principle of milord' education is therefore holding on its triumphant course, even in those, districts where the opposition to it has been most active and unscrupulous!'