28 DECEMBER 1850, page 8

A Correspondent Of The Daily Hews States That "the Marble

arch" is immediately to be erected on the site of Cumberland Gate, Hyde Park ; much to the benefit of the entrance to the mansion of the Duke of Somerset, the father of Lord......

E I Have Been An Inhabitant Of Belgravia For Many

years. I can bear witness to the despair with which formerly any benevolent person anxious to better the condition of the labouring classes in the neighbourhood soon gave up the......


SATURDAY. Aylesbury has returned Mr. eleeeleriOt_ L Celeeet Q.C., for its Member of Parliament, in room of the late Lard Nugent At ' a t i l i i i e e reiiiitoe, en_ Thstraday......

Money' Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. At the ordinary weekly meeting of theBank Directors held yesterday, it was determiued to raise the rate of discount from 21 to 3 per cent. This......