28 DECEMBER 1895, Page 26

'Paz' and Carlino. By Ernest Beckman. (Fisher Unwin.)— ' Pax

' and Carlino certainly do go through some extraordinary adventur, s, and yet one cannot believe it to be but true, so naturally does one episode lead to another. We will not disclose the plot further than to say that little Carl Ros is stolen, and then left to shift for himself, and travels half-way round the globe in search of his own people. He and his dachshund 'Par' are both lovable creatures, and devoted to each other, and one is really thankful that they are nev separated for long. It is a beautiful story, with an almost perfect hero, a real villain, and a most sagacious dog, and it is, moreover, a literary gem, cut and finished, as it were, with great knowledge and skill. It reveals an insight into child and dog nature that worthily fits it for a. place in "The Children's Library."