28 DECEMBER 1895, page 15

Letters To The Editor,

HENRY VAUGHAN, THE SILURIST. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,• - •It is nearly fifty years since Vaughan's " Silex tillans" was published in a modern form by Pickering,......

Gace's Cate Chi Sm.

[To THE EDITOR OF THZ " SpscrAToR."] Sin,—The Rev. J. G. Cheshire affirms that I "asserted that Gace's Catechism was used in thousands of schools." I did no such thing. I spoke......


THE NEGRO FUTURE. nro VIE EDITOR Or TM/ "SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Permit me to encroach upon your time with a slight remonstrance—not a contradiction, mind—regarding your keen-sighted......

A Catholic University.

ere THE EDITOR 01 THE " SPECTATOR."' you allow an Irish Protestant to thank you most heartily for your article in the Spectatr». of December 21st on the above subject, and to......