28 DECEMBER 1918, Page 1


We are glad to &Vont' our readers that we have been able to make arrangements to return, with the first number of the " Spectator " in the New Year, to our former typo and to the former size of column. Owing to the shortage of paper we were compelled to snake several modifications. The alternative would have been to print considerably Tess reading matter, or perhaps to have raised the price of the "Spec- tator." We wished to do neither of those things. Accordingly we determined to reduce the size of the type in certain parts of the paper, and to trespass on our margins by making the columns both longer and broader. These changes, of course, made the "Spectator" leas convenient to read ; but while we congratulate ourselves on having emerged from the war without haring had to raise our price or reduce our contents appreciably, we have also to aolcnowledge with gratitude the indulgence which our readers have displayed towards the necessary changes.