28 DECEMBER 1918, page 14

Children's Prayers, (to The Editor Or The" Speciator."3

occupy only the humble place of an aunt, but I have. net forgotten my own childhood or • my position as eldest sister, and I am unable to suppress my surprise at the prayers......

Children In The Dark.

(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPecturom.") should like to say how fully I endorse the comments made by' your correspondent Mr. Williams in the Spectator of November 80th on the......

Lady Roberts's Field- Glass Fund.

[TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."' Snn—May I through the hospitality of your columns ask all officers and, others who have reoaived gleams or telescopes on lotus through my......

Metrical Prose In 'hie Collects. [to The Editor Of Ma"

8pscrtroa."l SIR,—Your review of a book on the Collects induces me to recall attention to an article by Mr. John Shelly in the Church Quarterly for April, 1912, on the Metrical......

Blind-alley Occupations.

(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."' Sin,—May I ask if any of your readers have had experience (1) of inducing lade- just leaving school to begin some. work in which they could......

The Central Church Fund.

(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECIETOR.") SIR,—There is some truth in the letter of "A Naval Chaplain," but not, I think, the- whole. truth. There are many young men with a vocation......