28 DECEMBER 1918, Page 14


[TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."' Snn—May I through the hospitality of your columns ask all officers and, others who have reoaived gleams or telescopes on lotus through my Fund to send them back to me now for return, to their. owners ? All instruments lent through my Fund bear the letters N.S.L. (National Service League), followed by a letter and a number. I should be glad if officers and others returning glasses would enclose in the case a note of acknowledgment for the owner. I wish to record my gratitude, not only to the public for the munificent loan of' thirty thousand glasses, but also to the Press for the valued help which it has given this undertaking, The address for glasses and correspondence- is, The Manager, Lady Roberts's Field Glass Fund, 64 Victoria.. Street, S.W. 1.—I