28 JANUARY 1888, Page 41

From Pharaoh to Pellah. By C. F. Moberley Ball. (Wells

Gardner, Barton, and Co.)—This volume has the ornamental aspect of the literature which appears and commonly disappears at this season. But it is not by any means a book intended for entertainment only. The author has many things to say about Egypt, ancient and modern, and he says them very well. He is learned in the ancient dynasties, in the literature that flourished thousands of years, so to speak, before Homer, in all the marvels of Egyptian antiquity ; and he is at home in the modern politics of the country, has views, and very decided views, about the Capitulations, about the position of foreigners in Egypt, about the many perplexing questions which are always arising in that convenient but most inconvenient of countries. We may say that any reader will find much pleasure and satisfaction in From Pharaoh to Pellah.