28 JANUARY 1888, page 41

Alumni Oxonienses, 1715-1886. By Joseph Foster. (j....

volume is described on the title-page as the "Matriculation Register of the University of Oxford, alphabetically arranged, revised, and annotated." It is a continuation, with......

Tiger-shooting In. The Doom And Ulwar. By...

Fife.Cookson. (Chapman and Hall.)—The absolutely direct, simple, businesslike style of Colonel Fife-Cookson's narrative, will commend it to every reader who, whether he be......

Briar And Palm. By Annie S. Swan. (oliphant And Co.,

Edinburgh.) —This "Story of Circumstance and Influence," as the author calls it, is a well-conceived and interesting tale. Anne Holgate, the low-born widow of a man of family,......

My Life And Balloon Experiences. By Charles Coxwell. (w. H.

Allen and Co.)—Mr. Coxwell was born, he tells us, in 1819; he witnessed a balloon ascent (by Mr. C. Green) in 1828, but it was not till 1845 that, after many disappointments, he......

Tuscan Sketches. By Leader Scott. (t. Fisher Unwin.)—from...

we gather that "the sketches are from Nature, and are scenes we have come across in rambling here and there in this delightful land, whose past is a glorious record, whose......

A Burmese Maid. By The Author Of "reginald Vernon." (the

llanthawaddy Press, Rangoon.)—A. Burmese heroine, and, indeed, Anglo-Burmese literature generally, are novelties. Mah Shway was a lovely and charming girl, but, it must be......

Brothers Were All Eton Fellows. The Capital Letter Must Not

be sup- posed to mean that they were "Fellows of the College." They were simply Eton boys ; but this is itself so dignified a position, that a capital is required to do it......

Persons, As Of Brainerd And Henry Martyn. If Others, As

Samuel Pearce, Richard Knill, and Fidelia Fiske, are less generally known, yet there are probably many who are acquainted with their names, and know something of what they did.......

The Life, Times, And Writings Of Thomas Crannzer, D. D.,

the First Reforming Archbishop of Canterbury. By Charles Hastings Collette. (Itedway.)—Mr. Collette's knowledge of the period he has under- taken to treat may be gauged by a......

From Pharaoh To Pellah. By C. F. Moberley Ball. (wells

Gardner, Barton, and Co.)—This volume has the ornamental aspect of the literature which appears and commonly disappears at this season. But it is not by any means a book......