28 JANUARY 1955, Page 15

somewhat ridiculous challenge, I hope that you will allow me

to answer it. He is ignorant, and no doubt proud so to be, of the subject he so resoundingly and self-righteously attacks. Had he prepared himself by purely literary study, he would have learned that homo- sexuality and sodomy arc not synonymous, and that only a small proportion of homo- sexuals are addicted to sodomy. It is he who is inexcusably immature in that he pronounces final judgement on the point at issue, and calls homosexuality a vice and a sin. I would agree with him only where perversion of the young is concerned.

I do not propose to give pain to my relations and embarrassment and possibly grief to many friends by disclosing my identity. When I sent the article in question to you, sir, I gave you my name in confidence—a confidence which you have honourably justified. That must be enough for Mr. Birch. I would not similarly trust him—or the police.

I thank you, sir, for your courageous mag- nanimity in publishing the article. If it causes you to lose readers, I can only offer you my sincerest sympathy, and to them, reciprocation of their hatred and contempt. — Yours faithfully,


[This correspondence is now closed.—Editor, Spectator.]