28 JANUARY 1955, page 5

1n Principle

Mr. Duncan Sandys' equivocal announcement that the Government has 'decided in principle to adopt the policy recommended by the Beaver Committee on air pollution' is welcome so......

St. James's Theatre

The indefatigable Mr. Tom O'Brien urges that the St. James's Theatre should be preserved 'from the clutches of the vulgar' as a memorial to the late Queen Mary; the trade......

Liberal Liturgy

The Liberal Party's agenda for its Conference at Llandudno from April 14 to 16 is not a refreshing document. The rhythm of the Liberal creed is getting monotonous : civil......


UNSAFE TO KNOW 1 the honeymoon with Mr. Tom Williams came to an end even ascribed the American attitude as being due to Foreign Office pressure, which in turn he attributed to......

The Red Light Which Shone Fleetingly Over Frost-white...

South Norfolk when farmer John Hill scraped into Parlia- ment by a handful of votes has been flashing more persistently this week at Westminster. At the Central Hall the......