28 JULY 1917, Page 14


Sia,—Three months ago, the Victoria League began to organize lectures to soldiers in hospitals. It had been strongly represented, to the League, as the result of the great success of lectures in the liespitel at Cliveden, that, in addition to light entertainment,- 0 various kinds; the soldiers of the New Army needed something further, which should be in accordance with their own ideals and' suited to their education and attainments. With the warm ap- proval and support of Surgeon-General Sir Alfred Keogh, D.A-M.S., an experiment was made in a limited number of hos- pitals with restates so overwhelmingly successful that it is evi- dently necessary to organize the scheme on a much larger scale to' meet the demands which, are already coming in for next autumn and winter. A circular was sent in April to one hundred hos- pitals. As a result, one hundred and thirty-five lectures have' already been arranged. Most of the lecturers give their services, while a few professionals help at greatly reduced fees. The work is supplementary to that undertaken by the Y.M.O.A. and . Workers' Educational Association and close ea-operation is main- ; tained with these two organisations. The futaro possibilities el this movement seem very great if sufficient funds are made avail- able for the payment of lecturers' travelling expenses, printing-an& postage, &e. We desire, therefore, to appeal to the generosity of all who are in sympathy with this effort. It is calculated thee for .2500 lectures could be organized in most of the hospitals for soldiers, which the Victoria League has hitherto been unable to approach owing to lack of. funds. This sum would be the means• . of giving great pleasure in fresh ideas and- mental stimulus to, 'men who are suffering from the monotony of weeke, and too often- of months, and even years, in sick wards. Contributioue should. be sent to the•Hon. Treasurer, Victoria League, 2 Minbank Douse, Westminster, S.W. 1, end marked "Hospital Lectures Fund."--- EDWARD T. Code, Deputy-President. theme Anne,