28 JULY 1917, page 21

Some Books Of The Week.

INoec• in 04 Mums don eel neeurarily preeNis ceesqucig reet..1 THE QVABTEHLTES. — The Edinburgh Review for July—an excep- tionally good number—opens with an important article by......

The 3rd London General Hospital At Wandsworth Has A Clever

and amusing monthly magazine of its own, written and illustrated 'by soldiers and nurses in-the hospital. From the - first year's issues Mr. Ward - Muir and Mr. Noel Irving have......

Cod And Mr- Wells.° Ix Was Not To Be Expected

that the " atheists " whom Mr. Wells attacked in his book would refuse the challenge of a deserter from their ranks, and Mr. Archer has come forward to defend the empty shrine.......

Readable Novelb. — The Lesion Mystery. By William J....

Ostrander. (Eveleigh Nash. 5s.)—A really good American detective story, the development of which the reader is absolutely unable to forecast from the opening chaptora—Soldier......


POTTERAT AND THE WAR.. Tins delightful book is a sequel to two others written round the same central figure. With these the present reviewer is Un- acquainted, but if they are......