28 JUNE 1924, Page 12


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In the Spectator for 'June 21st, " Worker " suggests that surface congestion could be relieved by the more extended use of the Underground. Yesterday, with two friends, I visited the Exhibition. We went from Bloomsbury to Marylebone Station by the Underground from Museum Station with a bewildering •and delaying transfer at Oxford Circus, for all which we paid 2s. 8d. Returning from Maryle- bone by the 'bus we travelled above ground, with good air to breathe and no transfers, to the end of our journey at Southampton RovV, for which we paid 9d. Does this contrast account in whole or part for the comparative disUse of the Underground ?—I am, Sir, &c.,

B. Russtu...

[We fancy that Mr. Justice Russell is under some mis-

apprehension, but -we 1 • pe 'that' the-matter may be cleared up.—En. Spectator.]