28 JUNE 1924, page 28

The A B C Of Xix. Century English Ceramic Art.

By J. F. Blacker. (Stanley Paul. 15s. net.) This volume, by the author of many handbooks of a similar kind on divers subjects, gives a very comprehensive survey not only of the......

Haunted Houses. By Camille Flammarion. (t. Fisher Unwin....

net.) Certain people are so constituted that they are unable to accept positive evidence of the ultra - normal, however reliable and fully documented it may be. Personal experi-......

Shorter Notices. •

THE PILGRIMS' WAY IN WEST SURREY. By Charles White. (Published by the Underground Railways and London General Omnibus Co.). The Guide Book- of London, issued by the Underground......

Finance—public & Private. Iby Oult Crry Editor.] -

CURREN - CZ WAGES AND PRICES. .[To -the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, — It looks as though the famous academic problem of :whether the hen or the egg came first in order of •......

Last Year Dr. Percy Buck Became The First " Cramb

Lecturer " in Glasgow University. His duties consisted in delivering ten -lectures on some aspect of •the art of rhusic, and it was characteristic that he chose to deal with all......