28 JUNE 1924, Page 14


THE season has 'given us many books of verse, and there have been several notable. works among them. Anyone who wishes to keep informed of modern tendencies should possess at least the books in the following list :—

Princiso. By Edith Sitwell. (Duckworth. 5s. net.) The Pilgrimage of Feetua. By Conrad Aiken. 1Secker.. 5s. net.) The Flaming Terrapin. By Roy Campbell. (Cape. 4s. 6d. net.) Wayfaring. W. Force Stead. (Cobden Sanderson. 5s. net.) The Unknown Warrior. By Herbert E. Palmer. (Heinemann. 5s. net.) • -1211,so/cbeggar -Hall. By Robert Graves. (Hogarth Press. 7s. 6d. . net,) The White Stallion. By F. Victor Branford. (Christophers. 5s. net.) - • - New Namp,shire. By Robert Frost. (Grant Richards.. 6s. net.)