28 JUNE 1924, Page 2

The American Democratic Convention opened on Tuesday amid an excitement

which was the natural reflection- of the unparalleled doubt and confusion. The nomination must be made by a two-thirds majority, but though somebody will in the end get that majority, it looks at the beginning as though nobody could possibly hope for it. 'Mr. McAdoo, though -a very powerful England only, provides that in every county and borough candidate, suffers from the disadvantage of having had a poll shall periodically be taken at which the electors his name associated with the oil scandals. The New shall state their order of preference as between three York delegates are frankly hostile to him, and are solid policies : (1) Leaving the trade within their area as it is ; for their Governor, Mr. Al Smith. Mr. Smith, however, (2) transferring it to some public management ; (3) ending is accused of two things—of having, as a Roman Catholic, it altogether. Machinery is provided for setting up public introduced the religious issue, and of having affronted management, and in the case of both (2) and (3) there Prohibitionists by his advocacy of a Wet policy. It would be compensation for the owners. The public, or will be interesting to see what support the Convention " disinterested," management would be in the hands of a will give to the League of Nations. Both Mr. J. W. local Board appointed by the Secretary of State. The Davis, formerly Ambassador in England, and Senator functions of the Board would be to produce, distribute, Glass, who are candidates for nomination, strongly and supervise the sale of intoxicants, subject to the laws desire that America should enter the League. relating to licences. The Secretary of State would also