28 JUNE 1940, Page 3

Air-Raids on Britain

The civilian population of this country is now keyed up to await whatever attempts the enemy may make to attack our homeland from the air. Already last week preliminary raids in considerable force indicated that Germany is beginning to switch over her military attention from what has been the main theatre of war, in France, to what is about to be the main theatre, in or around Britain. The first large-scale adventures in night-flying over this country confirmed the impression that the Germans are poor pilots in the dark. Little military damage was done, and the number of civilian victims small in com- parison with the aircraft employed. But random bombs may result in heavy casualties at any moment unless civilians disci- pline themselves to take cover immediately an alarm is given. The Anderson shelters have proved that they afford the pro- tection that was claimed for them. The Civil Defence Services, after ten months of training and somewhat wearisome waiting, have already proved their efficiency, and can be counted upon to deal with an emergency quickly and with knowledge. The air-raid warning in the metropolitan area on Tuesday morning put everyone on the qui vine, and served to show that the A.R.P. were alert and ready. It will be noted that the balloon barrage in one district has claimed two bomber victims, and fighters have been quick to take the air and pursue the enemy. Meanwhile our own bombers have been successful in finding their targets and doing great damage to aerodromes in France and Holland and munitions works in many parts of Germany.