28 JUNE 1940, page 11

Country Life

The Importance of Ensilage Here in England, apparently in contrast to the rest of Europe, the grain harvest promises to be excellent. But hay will be thin and of poor quality.......

In The Garden The Culture Of Large-flowered Hydrangeas...

is extremely simple. Soft cuttings of unflowered shoots, four or five inches long, should be potted now. Well syringed, they will root in a light compost in three or four weeks.......

An Indiscreet Soldier A Local Defence Volunteer, While On...

is under the same obli g ations and has the same powers as a member of His Majesty's Forces ; when off duty these powers relapse. Recently I gave a lift to a private soldier in......

Ensilaged Grain

One of the most interesting materials for ensilage is brewers' grain. Unlike green forage, which may be ensilaged in small quantities day by day, g rain must be ti g ht-packed......

A White Squirrel

White squirrels had often been reported in the neighbourhood ; in one copse, many years ago, they were said to have made a colony. It was not until these notes were about to be......

Primrose Path." At The Gatunont.--‘ , Dr. Cyclops." At...

THEit€ is a nice distinction between the " primrose path of dalliance " and the " primrose way to the everlasting bonfire." The former phrase, though disapproving, allows for......