27 MAY 1943, Page 14


SIR,-4 think it regrettable that the author of the most interesting article on " The Great Disruption," appearing in your issue of May 14th, did not state clearly the cardinal issue on which the spiritual rights of the Church of Scotland were set aside by the State. The State claimed the right to compel Presbyteries to ordain, if necessary, and to induct, the presentees of the lay patrons, a much more serious matter than compelling the laity to " sit under " a minister they disliked. Was it not for this fundamental reason that there was a " Disruption," rather than another " Secession," and that " Free " in the expression " Free Church of Scotland " had the same force as in " Free France "?—Yours truly, . ROBERT Armen. Willianmarse, Broughton, Hampshire.