27 MAY 1943, page 14

The Great Disruption

SIR, -4 think it regrettable that the author of the most interesting article on " The Great Disruption," appearing in your issue of May 14th, did not state clearly the cardinal......

The Press

SIR,—Surely, whether £300,000 or £600,000 was lost over The Tribune is insignificant beside the fact that this represented pre-last-war values. What would such a loss have......

Help For Mothers

Sta,—So many cdrrespondents and public men assume that the greatest inducement to having larger families is a series of business and residential' schools wherein the mother......

Countr Y Life Does It Indicate A Greater Interest In The

land, in the farmland of England that Sir John Russell, the retiring director of Rothamsted, has been selected for special honour—the Albert Gold Medal—by the Royal Society of......

The King's Conscience

SIR,— Because we have yielded some of our constitutional landmarks that is not a convincing argument for their total abandonment. Would Protestants receive the same liberal......

Healthy Agriculture

Sul,—Mr. Walter Worcester's grim picture of post-war agriculture raises some questions. If it is to be, as he says, " the old, old story of the comparative costs," will not beef......

Postal Workers At Law

Sit,—As a lifelong supporter of trade unions, and who saw the dockers in their march to listen to John Burns in Trafalgar Square, my point is that Civil Servants have no right......