28 MAY 1954, Page 14

Sus.--Strix does less than justice to an organi- sation that

has helped many undeveloped countries in general, and disabled veterans in particular, by the technical advice of its medical consultants in the field of rehabilita- tion.

The World Veterans Federation (W.V.F.1 has sent experts in rehabilitation to Italy to help organise a new rehabilitation centre, to 'Yugoslavia to give technical assistance, to Pakistan to make a survey, to Indonesia to help an already existing centre.

In addition, it has arranged a course for doctors and technicians, on artificial limbs, in conjunction with the Ministry of Pensions at oehampton.

There are also many projected courses with the aim of training personnel from the less developed countries.

It is a fact that of the large Ex-Services Associations in this country, the British Legion is the only organisation that has withheld its support to this endeavour in the rehabilitation of the disabled.

Would it he that the British Legion, whose good work for the disabled is well known, fears a competitor ? It would be interesting to know to whom Strix owes his inspiration in this annotation.

Any organisation which helps the disabled, whether they are veterans or not, deserves sup- port. The W.V.F. with the aid of the United Nations Technical Assistance Administration, is doing pioneer work in this field. It has set an example, initiated in Finland, of real co- operation between an unofficial voluntary agency, and an official organisation.

This co-operation between voluntary organi- sations and the Government is indeed often limited to these associations, acting as 'pres- sure groups.' How much better it would be if the voluntary agency's endeavour could be complementary and not competitive to official action.

C. ). S. O'MALLEY Garston Manor Rehabilitation Centre