28 MAY 1954, page 7

Out - Postmaster-generalled In January The Post Office...

room in my house (which is a long way from any other house) an extension to the telephone. When people rang me up, this instrument remained silent. The Post Office returned,......

, A Yellow Finger-board Stuck In The Hedge Said "to

the "emonstration ' ; I turned off the road and parked the car in the farmyard. I had known this farm since boyhood. In three Years Mr. A, its present owner, has transformed its......

Three Monosyllables Missing

'Peterborough,' commenting in the Daily Telegraph on Lord Beaverbrook's 75th birthday, quoted from his newly published book, Don't Trust to Luck, three rules which Lord B......

A Spectator's Notebook

I L AST Sunday a great many people in Rome became suddenly and inexplicably convinced that the world was going to end at midnight on Monday; the Vatican had to issue a statement......

Saving The Alliance

argument that foreigners should keep out of American politics and leave Americans to sort out their own mistakes ? In every crisis of their foreign policy in the past thirteen......


For What It Is Worth

Captain Martingale, my intensely unreliable racing corres- pondent, advises me in his usual ambiguous jargon that Valerullah may be there or thereabouts on Wednesday.......