28 NOVEMBER 1903, Page 16

[To THE EDITOR OF TRE " SPECTATOR:1 wonder whether the

eminent Bishops to whom you allude in your article in the Spectator of November 21st on "The Church and the Question of the Hour" (scarcely hora novissima) will come to the aid of their hard-worked clergy in helping them to a decision on the present fiscal question. Thsre is no announcement as yet of their having joined the Free-Food League. Is it not a question on which the clergy as a body had better stand aloof P-1 am, Sir, &c., H. F. MALLET. Eastbourne.

[As a body, certainly,—as we said in our article. As indi- viduals, the clergy must make up their minds on this, as on all great public questions, and make them up in view of their character as trustees. Surely no earnest Protectionist, just as no earnest Free-trader, will wish for any different course.—ED. Spectator.]