29 APRIL 1916, Page 2

Thursday's papers show that the fighting which has been going

on in the region of the Suez Canal has turned out to our advantage. At the present moment we have got posts along the El Arish route between Palestine and the Canal at Dueidar and Katie. The enemy attempted to raid these posts, using a thousand Germans, reinforced by picked Turkish infantry who had fought at Adrianople and Relies. The whole force appears to have been mounted on camels. The first result of the raid was to drive out of Katie, our Yeomanry force drawn from the Gloucestershire, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire Regiments. Subsequently, however, our troops, assisted by aeroplanes, fell upon the raiders, destroyed their camp, and inflicted heavy losses upon them. It would seem that the Katia oasis has now been cleared of the enemy except for the distant post of Bir el Abd, a point almost due east of Katia, and about forty-four miles from the Canal.